Is this thing on?

I’m the kind of person who likes to know what I’m getting myself into. I’ve been in situations before where I learned the hard way that I didn’t ask enough questions, no matter how silly, cheap, or inexperienced asking those questions would make me out to be. These kinds of regrets can have high emotional & financial steaks. I promise.

NOTE: If you don’t care about rules, and are NOT the kind of person who likes to skip to the last page of a book in order to see who dies, you can disregard the information on this page. Go you! I envy your whimsy and love for adventure.

Anyway, here’s what you can expect with Warmly:

  • We’re going to provide you with a new episode every Monday! The very first episode (or two!) will be released on Monday, June 1st, and each Monday thereafter.

  • Each episode will honor a story, letter, or guest (or all three). You could be one! If you’re interested in sharing or BEING on Warmly, submit your story.

  • We’re going to talk a lot about the Enneagram. If you have no idea what that word means, feel free to read more about it. We’ll use the Enneagram as a way to think about human relationship and the way we navigate conflict, loss, love, and any number of life’s changes.

The range of emotions you’ll experience while listening a single episode may vary depending on your own levels of empathy, as well as your general disposition towards or willingness to love, respect, and appreciate other humans and their experiences.

At the end of the day, my goal is that Warmly makes you laugh a little, empathize a lot, and ultimately challenge you to love the people in your life a little harder than you have before.

Each episode is going to be as special as the stories we get to tell.

Which brings me to my last ask: consider sharing your story. You have power simply in the story that you hold, and you never know who might need to hear from you, learn from you, and heal alongside you. You can submit your story, or submit an idea for Warmly, too.

Anyway, we can’t wait to begin!

Until then & most warmly,



The Enneagram