Hello, there!
Warmly’s always up to something new, so take a look around to pick the post that you’d like some more information on.
I took a bit of an unexpected break from producing Warmly for a while, but when I started back earlier this year, one of my friends (and former guests) confessed that they liked my solo episodes the best. That being said, I’ve released a few of these “solo episodes” this year but I’d like to think they feel more like we’re chatting over coffee? Let me know if I’m wrong.
Today’s guest is Alana, and we’ll be talking about her experience being an Enneagram 4 (The Individualist) and how she recently started documenting her journey to dating the [entire] enneagram.
Today’s guest is Taylor, and we’ll be talking about Big T and little t traumas that influenced Taylor’s work to create Foreward, an audio drama podcast about being a school shooting survivor.
Today’s guest is Ioana, and we’ll be talking about life as an Enneagram 3 [The Achiever], and her experience getting into and out of a relationship with just a few red flags.
Today’s guest is Emily, and we’ll be talking about her experience with an unexpected pregnancy, and both the pre-and post-natal depression that came along with what everyone called a “gift.”
Today’s guest is Chandler, and we’ll be talking about your vs. you're, Pattiegonia, being Enneagram 7s, and being a woman in a male-dominated field.
I need your help! What are some questions you wish you could ask your therapist? Take this 10-minute survey.
Today’s guest is Caro, and we’ll be talking about deconstructing your belief system, and other topics like polyamory and proving professors wrong.
Warmly’s now hiring! If you have or want some experience editing for a podcast, or just some general remote administrative work, read more about what we’re looking for.
Today’s guest is Maggie McGill [they/she], and we’ll be talking about our shared experience of being Enneagram 7s (The Enthusiast), and the topic of friendship — including ours.