Today’s episode is like one of those toy machines with the big claw: you want all of them, but you know you can’t have all of them. Except in todays’ case, toys = topics. We did manage to squeeze in a bunch, though.

Today’s guest is Caro, and we met in college. Some fun things you might want to know about Caro are that:

  • Caro was born in a closet. Their parents had been traveling, and their mom went into labor unexpectedly. The hospital they went to had only 2 delivery rooms, and they were both full. So the hospital staff got creative.

  • Caro once knocked over Elijah Wood. For context, this ~6 years ago. Elijah was below Caro’s periphery and they were in a hurry and per Caro: “that will haunt me until the day I die.”

  • Caro had a project screen at the Cannes Film Festival. ‘Nuff said.

Anyway, this week’s episode we’ll talk about:

  • baby consent and the art of the mute feature on social media

  • proving professors wrong

  • toxic masculinity

  • general themes of deconstruction of religion & sexuality

  • oh, and polyamory

You can keep up with Caro:

I’ve also created a list of things under the bolded References section at the bottom of this post. These are just the things we talked about on the podcast that you might be curious to learn more about.

Talk to you soon,



  1. Think you might be an Enneagram 4w5 like Caro? You can read more about The Individualist (4) here. Still don’t know what your type is? You can read about them all and decide for yourself.

  2. In case it wasn’t obvious, you CAN and SHOULD still be on Warmly. You can always submit your own story, or submit a topic that you’d like to hear discussed on Warmly.

  3. Do me a solid & leave an honest review of Warmly on Apple Podcasts., and make sure you’re subscribed to Warmly wherever you’re streaming so you know the second I drop a new episode.

  4. In my intro, I mentioned Ravi Zacharias. You can read up on the recent events here.

  5. If this whole idea of baby consent was new news to you, you can read this article that Forbes published on the topic back in 2018.


All the things you wish you could ask your therapist
