On preserving friendships w/ Maggie McGill

Hello and happy birthday to today’s special guest — my bestie, and an inspiration to many — Maggie McGill.

Some fun things you might want to know about Maggie [they/she] are that:

  • Maggie is OBSESSED with musicals and all things theatre.

  • Maggie just got back from their first international trip to Cuba!

  • Maggie and I both moved to Philadelphia, PA within 3 months of each other, and right before the global pandemic.

  • Maggie is a plus-size fashion and lifestyle influencer, but she also influences me to be a better person every single day.

Anyway, in this week’s episode we’ll talk about:

  • art and self-compassion

  • the somewhat-creepy way that we became friends

  • the fact that both Maggie and I are Enneagram 7s (The Enthusiast)

  • what you should (and should not) do when you find yourself in friendship with someone navigating a troubling, toxic, or abusive relationship.

You can keep up with Maggie by:

I’ve also created a list of things under the bolded References section at the bottom of this post. These are just the things we talked about on the podcast that you might be curious to learn more about.

Talk to you soon,



  1. Think you might be an Enneagram 7 like Maggie? You can read more about Enneagram 7/The Enthusiast here. Still don’t know what your type is? You can read about them all and decide for yourself.

  2. We reference the book called The Road Back to You: An Enneagram Journey to Self-Discovery by Suzanne Stabile and Ian Morgan Cron

  3. Maggie references a book she read this year called Platonic: How the Science of Attachment Can Help You Make — and Keep — Friends by Marisa G. Franco, PhD.

  4. In case it wasn’t obvious, you CAN and SHOULD still be on Warmly. You can always submit your own story, or submit a topic that you’d like to hear discussed on Warmly.

  5. Do me a solid & leave an honest review of Warmly on Apple Podcasts., and make sure you’re subscribed to Warmly wherever you’re streaming so you know the second I drop a new episode.


The Kaia Monologues