The Kaia Monologues
I started this podcast about vulnerability and the enneagram in 2020, and since then I’ve:
✔️met with 27 brilliant and vulnerable people to be joint storytellers for 65+ hours [a few of these conversations are still unpublished]
✔️edited and produced these juicy conversations to make 60+ episodes and reach almost 7,000 listeners
✔️tackled some difficult topics, like: outgrowing religious beliefs you once held dear, panic attacks, unplanned pregnancies, and friend breakups
I took a bit of an unexpected break from producing Warmly for a while, but when I started back up earlier this year, one of my friends (and former guests) confessed to me:
“I kinda like your solo episodes the most.”
POV: me, utterly shocked and flattered 🤯
With that being said, I’ve released a few episodes this year that happen to be straight up monologues, but I’d like to think they feel more like we’re chatting over coffee? Let me know if I’m wrong.
🎤 On knowing what love is, and what it is not: I share a poem I wrote about love, at a time I needed the reminder that I can spot it and experience it too. I also share three “behind the scenes” stories about real moments that inspired me to write the poem in the first place.
[Listen on: Spotify or Apple Podcasts]
🎤 On the one thing everyone wants for their birthday: Birthdays are complicated, but celebrating them shouldn’t be. We’ll talk about the one thing everyone wants for their birthday.
[Listen on: Spotify or Apple Podcasts]
🎤 On how we heal: We talk about the weird things people say when you’re trying your best to heal from the deepest of wounds.
[Listen on: Spotify or Apple Podcasts]
🎤 On non-monogamy and finding the green M&Ms: We’ll talk about the many forms of non-monogamy, and the ways that dating non-monogamously has changed my life and altered the way in which I date.
[Listen on: Spotify or Apple Podcasts]
🎤 On loving yourself: We talk about the love languages framework, and why I think they’re not good enough.
[Listen on: Spotify or Apple Podcasts]
If you’ve ever listened to Warmly, would you mind leaving me a review?
And if you never have listened in, that’s okay! Today is a great day to start something new.