Welcome, friend.

Hi friends,

It feels surreal to write a letter to a group of people that I wish felt more like catching up with an old friend.

Warmly has been on my mind in ways I didn’t realize for over five years, and the excitement I have around bringing others into this project has me on cloud nine. 

When the idea for Warmly came to me, I originally thought that this would be a podcast where we just read the letters we’ve kept on lockdown -- we might share a letter here or there that we’ve received that changed us or changed a relationship of ours -- for better, or for worse.

I’d love for Warmly to still be those things, but as I recorded, as I researched, and as I scripted this out -- I realized that so many people are talking ad nauseam about the science behind productivity, the science & strategy around our careers & our relationships. Science, science, science.

I like it, and I’m here for that. But it doesn’t resonate with me. And here’s why.

Science isn’t the be-all or end-all, or even the starting point for how I express my humanity.

Maybe that’s my enneagram speaking, maybe that’s the rebel & independent lady in me, maybe its something else. But I felt compelled to create & foster a space that we get to reclaim that’s free from the constraints of science. Science doesn’t explain everything. It gives context, but it doesn’t empathize with who we really are.

Ironically, I felt compelled to include the enneagram as a lens by which we think about our human relationships. While I wouldn’t say enneagram = science, I recognize that it’s in the vein of human sciences & how we operate at our core. My hope is that the use of and conversations about the enneagram equip you and better connect you with those you love & even those you can’t stand to be around. 

And if you think all our enneagram banter is just another science, well then I hope you enjoy the stories. 

They are, after all -- yours.




How to kill time while you’re waiting for your new favorite podcast to launch


The Enneagram