How to kill time while you’re waiting for your new favorite podcast to launch

Okay, okay, so maybe it will never top podcasts like Serial, How Stuff Works, or any of the top TED Talks of all time, but I’m pretty sure you’ll love Warmly, and I can’t wait for you to tell me what you think.

Warmly goes live June 1, 2020 — and I’m giddy. Just a few short days away, but there still a few things you can do to kill time (outside of listening to aforementioned, world-renown podcasts & TED Talks):

There’s a lot I can and will share of myself in launching this podcast, but the goal of this podcast isn’t just to talk about me. After all (and this is your first but not your FINAL disclaimer), I do not know everything there is to know about life or all it has to offer. I don’t know how to navigate every rollercoaster it involuntarily sends you on. And I wish I had better news for you on this one, but I can’t give you a detour from all of the devastating pitfalls.

Warmly means a lot to me because I want to bring people closer together.

The only way that’s going to happen now, or ever, is through a willingness to be vulnerable.

It isn’t science.

It isn’t travel.

And it sure as hell isn’t Zoom.

Vulnerability is what will bring us closer to ourselves & to everyone else.

My guess is that after listening in & reading all about why I’ve created this community, you may find or be reminded of a story that lies inside you already. My hope is that you’ll choose to share that story with others. You never know who needs to hear it. (If you’re ready — and I know you are! — you can submit your story here.)

Anyway, thanks for reading! I can’t wait to hear from you.

Most warmly,



HOW TO: Rate & Review Warmly on Apple Podcasts


Welcome, friend.